Wairarapa Tech

Category: Security

  • Google Chrome to alert sites that are not secure

    Google Chrome to alert sites that are not secure

    What is all the fuss? Google announced that in July 2018 They will be putting through an update for Google Chrome that alerts the user of any site that is not running HTTPS encryption. This means that if your website does not have an SSL certificate installed they will mark all HTTP sites as ‘not…

  • Wifi Security Troubles.

    Wifi Security Troubles.

    A worst-case scenario has unfolded today for Wi-Fi devices. Researchers at a university in Belgium discovered a way to completely defeat the encryption that WPA2 provides on Wi-Fi networks. This affects all modern Wi-Fi equipment, from mobile phones to tablets to workstations, routers, printers and more. This is a big deal and has very widespread security…